Peter sold watches ($7) and necklaces ($4) at a flea market. Total sales were $300. People bought 3 times as many watches as necklaces. How many of each did Peter sell? What were the total dollar sales of each?

Sole X necklaces.

Sold 3x watches.

4*x + 7*3x = $300.
X = ?.

To solve this problem, we can start by setting up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume Peter sold x watches and y necklaces.

From the given information, we know that the total sales were $300. Therefore, we can create our first equation:

7x + 4y = 300

Additionally, we are given that people bought 3 times as many watches as necklaces. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

x = 3y

Now we have a system of two equations:
7x + 4y = 300
x = 3y

To solve this system, we can use substitution. Since x is already expressed in terms of y in the second equation, we can substitute it into the first equation:

7(3y) + 4y = 300
21y + 4y = 300
25y = 300
y = 12

Now that we have the value of y, we can substitute it back into the equation x = 3y to find x:

x = 3(12)
x = 36

Therefore, Peter sold 36 watches and 12 necklaces.

To calculate the total dollar sales of each item, we can multiply the number of items sold by their respective prices:

Total dollar sales of watches = 36 × $7 = $252
Total dollar sales of necklaces = 12 × $4 = $48

Hence, Peter sold 36 watches and 12 necklaces, with total dollar sales of $252 for watches and $48 for necklaces.