How to diagram this sentence. I don't like basketball.

I | do like | baseball

"not" goes on a slanted line under "do like."

That should be "n't" is on the slanted line.

To diagram the sentence "I don't like basketball," you will need to break it down into its different components. Here's how:

1. Identify the Subject: The subject of the sentence is "I."

2. Identify the Verb: The main verb in the sentence is "don't like." It consists of two parts: the auxiliary verb "do" and the main verb "like." Together, they indicate the negation "don't like."

3. Identify the Object: The object of the verb is "basketball."

Now that we have identified the different components, we can proceed with diagramming:

└─ don't like ──► basketball

In the diagram above, the subject "I" is placed at the leftmost part, followed by an angled line to connect it to the verb phrase "don't like." The verb phrase "don't like" is then connected to the object "basketball" using another angled line.

Remember, sentence diagramming can have variations depending on the specific method or teacher you are following.