Uh...Yea... Sorry about this, but I"m trying to study and I need someone to walk me through, missed a lot of school. fyi, when there's a / its under the entire string before it until you hit the inequality symbol.

Tony Bowled 135 and 145 in his first two games. Write and solve a compound inequality to find the possible values for a third game that would give him an average between 120 and 130, inclusive.

1. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<=145; 120<=n<=140

2. 135 <= 120+140+n/3<=145; 80<=n<=85

3. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<130; 80<n<110

4. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<=130; 80<=n<=110

(Fae and Lina needed help with this too, I think Lina may have posted this at somepoint. We were all absent from classes.)

No problem, I'll be happy to help you with this problem!

To find the possible values for Tony's third game, we need to consider his average score over three games. Since we want the average to be between 120 and 130 (inclusive), we can set up a compound inequality.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Start with Tony's first two game scores: 135 and 145.
2. We can calculate the total score of the first two games: 135 + 145 = 280.
3. To find the average score, we divide the total score by the number of games, which is 3: 280/3 = 93.333 (rounded to three decimal places).
4. Now we need to set up the compound inequality. Since the average should be between 120 and 130 (inclusive), we can write: 120 <= 93.333 + n/3 <= 130.
- The value 120 represents the lower bound of the average score range (120 <= average).
- The value 130 represents the upper bound of the average score range (average <= 130).
- We use the variable "n" to represent Tony's third game score.
5. Now let's simplify the compound inequality:
- First, multiply both sides of the inequality by 3 to eliminate the fraction: 360 <= 280 + n <= 390.
- Next, subtract 280 from all parts of the inequality: 80 <= n <= 110.
6. So the final compound inequality is 80 <= n <= 110.

Therefore, the possible values for Tony's third game score that would give him an average between 120 and 130 (inclusive) are 80, 81, 82, ..., 109, 110.

Now you can choose the correct option from the provided choices. Based on the explanation above, it looks like option 4 is the correct answer:

4. 120 <= 135 + 145 + n/3 <= 130; 80 <= n <= 110