Pursuing a profession in which you will be an integral part of a child’s development is a very important decision. Discuss what led you to make this decision and what you envision for the remainder of your academic career as well as the beginning of your professional career

Are you sure education is the right field for you? If you want to be a teacher or an educational paraprofessional, you should be trying to answer these questions yourself.

If you make an attempt to answer these questions, we'll be more than happy to discuss them with you.

Do you have any ideas

I can't possibly have ideas about what led YOU to make this decision. What are YOUR goals?

I thought that you would be able to give me some type incite on these question. I do not want all of the answer, just how would you answer the questions.

Your instructor doesn't want to know how some anonymous stranger would answer these questions. They are clearly aimed at YOU, the student. Your instructor wants YOU to think about why YOU want to go into education. If you can't think of any answers for this question, please drop the class. You wouldn't be happy as a teacher or a parapro.

Ms. Sue is absolutely right. These questions are for YOU to answer, not anyone else.

Please also work on using the correct words and phrasing and punctuation.
* "type incite" should be type of insight. http://www.answers.com/incite <~~I'm sure that's NOT what you mean.
* "question" should be questions.
* "answer" should be answers.
* The comma after "answer" makes this a comma splice, which is a type of run-on: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/runons.htm
* There should be a question mark at the end.

Please ... if you are planning to go into education at any level, you must get your spoken and written English under control. Teachers must be the BEST role models in all ways for their students.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, but I can still provide you with general information on pursuing a profession involving child development.

Many individuals choose a profession in child development because of their genuine interest and passion for working with children. Some of the reasons that may lead someone to make this decision include:

1. Love for children: Many people are naturally drawn to working with children and find joy in their company and growth. Building meaningful connections with children and witnessing their development can be highly rewarding.

2. Making a positive impact: Professionals in child development have the unique opportunity to shape and influence a child's life in crucial ways. They contribute to their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth, which can have a lasting impact on their well-being.

3. Personal fulfillment: Being part of a child's development journey can be personally fulfilling. Supporting their growth, helping them overcome challenges, and celebrating their milestones can bring a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

To pursue a career in child development, your academic and professional journey will typically involve the following steps:

1. Education: Obtain a relevant degree in child psychology, early childhood education, child development, or a related field. Pursuing higher education equips you with knowledge about child development theories, teaching techniques, and best practices.

2. Experience and internships: Gain practical experience by volunteering or interning in settings that involve working with children. These opportunities provide hands-on experience and help you understand the dynamic nature of child development.

3. Specialization: Consider specializing in a specific area of child development, such as special education, child psychology, or pediatric nursing. This allows you to develop expertise in a particular aspect of child development and opens up more career opportunities.

4. Certifications and qualifications: Depending on your desired career path, obtaining relevant certifications or qualifications may be necessary. For example, to become a licensed teacher, you may need to pass a state-specific exam.

As for your professional career, you can envision a variety of paths depending on your interests and goals. Some options include:

1. Early childhood educator: Become a teacher in preschools, kindergartens, or elementary schools, where you can play a vital role in a child's academic and social development.

2. Child psychologist: Focus on assessing and treating various emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues of children, providing therapy, and offering guidance to parents and caregivers.

3. Pediatric nurse: Work in hospitals or clinics, providing healthcare services to children and supporting their overall well-being.

4. Child life specialist: Assist children in medical settings, helping them cope with illness, treatments, and hospitalization by providing emotional support, education, and play opportunities.

Remember, your academic and professional career is an ongoing journey of learning and growth. As you progress, you may discover new interests and opportunities that align with your passion for child development. Stay open to gaining experiences, expanding your knowledge, and being proactive in seeking out roles that contribute to the well-being and development of children.