3. The Pilgrims wrote the Mayflower Compact to establish ______.
a. blue laws
b. religious toleration
c. government by consent***************
d. representative government
6. Which of the following was not a challenge experienced by the first settlers in South Carolina?
a. the spread of deadly diseases
b. hostility from Native Americans
c. poor leadership of the colony
d. lack of materials to build homes********************************
10. Why did the Regulators form in the Up Country and not in the Low Country?
a. The The Low Country had sheriffs and established courts to deal with outlaws.
b. The Up Country did not trust the sheriffs and courts established by the Low Country.
c. The Up Country lacked transportation to the courts, so the Regulators were a convenience.
d. The Low Country did not have as many outlaws as the Up Country and did not need the Regulators.*********

Can someone tell me the answers I need them now really fast

I'm not Ms. Sue, but am a tutor. Your answers seem correct to me.

Yes, these questions are right


13.short answer
14.short answer

3. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose of the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact was a document drafted and signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620. It served as a basic framework for self-government and was necessary for establishing order and cooperation among the Pilgrims. So, the answer is c. government by consent.

6. To identify the correct answer, we should evaluate the challenges faced by the first settlers in South Carolina. Among the options, a, b, and c can all be considered as challenges experienced by the settlers. However, d. lack of materials to build homes does not align with the challenges typically faced by the first settlers in any colony. Therefore, the correct answer is d.

10. To determine the correct answer here, we need to understand the reasons behind the formation of the Regulators and the differences between the Up Country and the Low Country. The Regulators were a group of colonists in South Carolina who sought to address issues such as corrupt officials and lack of representation. The Up Country refers to the inland, more rural areas, while the Low Country refers to the coastal, more urban and developed areas.

Option a states that the Low Country had sheriffs and established courts to deal with outlaws, implying that they already had measures in place to handle criminal activities. However, the Regulators formed to address issues beyond just dealing with outlaws.

Option b suggests that the Up Country did not trust the sheriffs and courts established by the Low Country. This aligns with the reason behind the formation of the Regulators - a lack of trust in the existing institutions.

Option c states that the Up Country lacked transportation to the courts, making the formation of the Regulators a convenience. This option does not align with the motivations behind the Regulators forming, as their purpose was not simply convenience but rather a response to perceived injustices.

Option d claims that the Low Country did not have as many outlaws as the Up Country and did not need the Regulators. However, the formation of the Regulators was not solely based on the presence of outlaws but rather on broader concerns regarding corruption and lack of representation.

From our analysis, option b. The Up Country did not trust the sheriffs and courts established by the Low Country, aligns with the reasons behind the formation of the Regulators.