I do not know how to do this problem can someone help me please. Thank you.

Determine if the given ordered triple below is a solution. (3, 3, -5)

x + 9y = 30
2x - 8y = -18
5y + 2z = 5

To determine if the given ordered triple (3, 3, -5) is a solution for the system of equations, you need to substitute the values of x, y, and z into each equation and check if the equations are satisfied.

Let's start by substituting the values into the first equation:

x + 9y = 30

Replace x with 3 and y with 3:

3 + 9(3) = 30
3 + 27 = 30
30 = 30

Since the equation is true, (3, 3, -5) satisfies the first equation.

Next, let's substitute the values into the second equation:

2x - 8y = -18

Replace x with 3 and y with 3:

2(3) - 8(3) = -18
6 - 24 = -18
-18 = -18

Again, the equation is true, so (3, 3, -5) satisfies the second equation as well.

Lastly, substitute the values into the third equation:

5y + 2z = 5

Replace y with 3 and z with -5:

5(3) + 2(-5) = 5
15 - 10 = 5
5 = 5

The equation holds true, which means that (3, 3, -5) also satisfies the third equation.

As (3, 3, -5) satisfies all three equations in the system, it is indeed a solution.