Which of the following would not describe a result of the Sugar Act?

A. Smugglers were happy with the tax because now the merchants were forced to pay.

B. It taxed molasses
C. It called for more customs officials.
D. Colonies in New England were the most upset with the tax.

I'm not sure but I'll go with A?

For connexus students A is right.


whats right

You are correct! The answer is A. "Smugglers were happy with the tax because now the merchants were forced to pay." This statement would not describe a result of the Sugar Act.

To answer this question, it's important to understand the significance and impact of the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1764 and imposed taxes on imported goods, particularly molasses, which affected the American colonies. The tax was meant to generate revenue for the British government and enforce stricter control over trade.

To eliminate the options and find the correct answer:

A. "Smugglers were happy with the tax because now the merchants were forced to pay." This statement suggests that smugglers benefited from the tax because it shifted the burden of payment onto merchants. However, in reality, smugglers were the ones who tried to avoid paying taxes, so they would not be happy with the Sugar Act. Therefore, this option does not describe a result of the Sugar Act.

B. "It taxed molasses." This statement is true and accurately describes one of the impacts of the Sugar Act. It imposed taxes on molasses, which was a key ingredient in the production of rum, an essential trade item in the colonial economy.

C. "It called for more customs officials." This statement is also accurate. The Sugar Act aimed to strengthen the enforcement of trade regulations by increasing the number of customs officials. This provision helped the British government to more effectively collect the taxes and prevent smuggling.

D. "Colonies in New England were the most upset with the tax." This statement is also true. The colonies, particularly those in New England, strongly opposed the Sugar Act. They viewed it as an infringement on their rights and autonomy, as well as an economic burden that could harm their trade and businesses.

By process of elimination, option A is the one that does not describe a result of the Sugar Act.

I disagree. Smugglers like to undercut the going rate for whatever they smuggle. Smuggling sugar might have been quite profitable.
