1. How did the muckrakers help spark the Progressive movement?

A: The muckrakers investigated social problems and published their findings. The muckrakers' articles led to a general public debate on social and economic problems and put pressure on politicians to introduce reforms.

2. Why did progressives want to reorganize city government?

A: Progressives wanted to reorganize city government because they believed that many problems in society could be solved if government worked properly and were more efficient.

3. What was the impact of the Seventeenth Amendment? What was it intended to solve?

A: The Seventeenth Amendment countered Senate corruption and removed one of the state legislatures' checks on federal power. This amendment, however, was only intended to end Senate corruption.

4. How successful were women in lobbying to achieve passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

A: Women were very successful in lobbying to achieve passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. By lobbing lawmakers, organizing marches and delivering speeches, many states such as Washington, Oregon, California, Arizonia, and Kansas had granted women full voting rights by the end of 1912.

What is the difference between an initiative and a referendum

To find the answers to these questions, you could start by conducting research on the Progressive era and the specific topics mentioned. Here is a suggested approach to finding the answers:

1. Begin by researching the role of muckrakers in the Progressive movement. Look for information on notable muckrakers, their investigative journalism, and the impact of their publications on society and politics during that time.

2. Look for sources that discuss the goals and motivations of progressives in reorganizing city government. This may involve examining the problems progressives sought to address, such as poverty, corruption, and inefficiency in city administration.

3. Explore the history and impact of the Seventeenth Amendment on the U.S. Senate. Look for resources that explain the reasons behind its creation and the intended problem it aimed to solve, such as bringing more accountability and transparency to the selection of senators.

4. Research the women's suffrage movement and the efforts made by women to lobby for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Look for information on key leaders, prominent suffrage organizations, strategies used in lobbying, and the progress made in obtaining voting rights for women leading up to the passage of the amendment.

As you research the Progressive era, muckrakers, city government reform, the Seventeenth Amendment, and the suffrage movement, you should be able to find more detailed answers to these questions. Remember to use reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, and trusted websites to ensure accuracy and reliability.

5. What were some major achievements of the Progressive movement?

A: Some major achievements of the Progressive movement include the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, which aimed to improve food safety and sanitation; the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, which brought stability to the country's banking system; the implementation of antitrust regulations to break up monopolies and promote fair competition; and the passing of labor reforms, such as the eight-hour workday and improved working conditions.

6. What was the purpose of the Mann-Elkins Act?

A: The purpose of the Mann-Elkins Act was to further regulate the telecommunications industry and expand the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC). It aimed to address issues of rate discrimination, rebates, and fixing reasonable rates for telegraph, telephone, and cable services.

7. How did the National Park System contribute to environmental conservation during the Progressive era?

A: The National Park System was established during the Progressive era to protect and preserve the country's natural landscapes and resources. It helped to preserve areas of significant natural beauty and save them from commercial exploitation. The creation of national parks set a precedent for environmental conservation and led to the protection of numerous natural habitats and landmarks in the United States.

8. How did the Progressive movement impact the rights and conditions of workers?

A: The Progressive movement had a significant impact on workers' rights and conditions. It led to the implementation of labor reforms such as the establishment of the eight-hour workday, workplace safety regulations, and the banning of child labor in many industries. Progressives also advocated for the right of workers to form unions and engage in collective bargaining to improve their working conditions and negotiate for better wages and benefits. These reforms helped to create a safer and more equitable working environment for many workers.