Use an array 4x36

To use an array of size 4x36, you would need to declare a two-dimensional array with 4 rows and 36 columns. Here's an example in Python:

array_4x36 = [[0 for _ in range(36)] for _ in range(4)]

In this code, we are initializing each element of the array as 0. However, you can assign any desired initial value to the elements.

To access or modify the elements of this array, you can use the row and column indices. For example, to access the element in the second row and fourth column, you would use `array_4x36[1][3]`. Remember that array indices start from 0, so the second row is indexed as 1 and the fourth column is indexed as 3.

Here's an example of how you can access and modify elements in this array:

# Accessing an element
element = array_4x36[1][3]
print(element) # Output: 0

# Modifying an element
array_4x36[1][3] = 42
print(array_4x36[1][3]) # Output: 42

You can apply various operations on this array, such as iterating through the elements, performing calculations, or storing data in a tabular format.