What is the value of a?


To solve for a, we first have to remove the ( )

9a -3a +18 = -6
6a + 18 = -6

Can you finish from here?

Be sure to check your answer in the original equation.

may u please tell me wat do i have to do next

Subtract 18 from both sides of the equation.

ty so much

To find the value of a, we will solve the equation step-by-step.

1. Start by distributing the -3 to the terms inside the parentheses:

9a - 3a + 18 = -6

2. Combine like terms:

6a + 18 = -6

3. To isolate the variable, subtract 18 from both sides:

6a = -6 - 18
6a = -24

4. Finally, divide both sides by 6 to solve for a:

a = -24 / 6
a = -4

Therefore, the value of a is -4.