You have 60 CD cases and a 24 inch shelf. If each CD case is 3/8 an inch, is there enough room on the shelf for the CD cases?

Yes. Because it takes up 22.5ins of the space and there is 24in available.

(3/8) * 60 = 180 / 8 = 22.5 inches

You have 60 CD cases that you would like to store on the shelf shown. If each CD case is 3/8 inch wide, is there enough room on the self for the CD cases? Explain your reasoning.

To determine if there is enough room on the shelf for the CD cases, we need to calculate the total space required by the CD cases and compare it to the available space on the shelf.

First, let's calculate the total space required by the CD cases:
Number of CD cases = 60
Thickness of each CD case = 3/8 inch

To find out the total space required, we multiply the number of CD cases by the thickness of each CD case:
Total space required = 60 CD cases * (3/8 inch/CD case)

To simplify the calculation, we can convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction:
Total space required = 60 CD cases * (3/8 inch/CD case)
= 60 * 3/8 inch
= 180/8 inch
= 22.5 inches

Now, let's compare the total space required by the CD cases to the available space on the shelf:
Total space required = 22.5 inches
Available space on the shelf = 24 inches

Since the available space on the shelf (24 inches) is greater than the total space required by the CD cases (22.5 inches), there is enough room on the shelf for the CD cases.


yes its enough space because its no that long
