Information gained by applying someone else's survey information to your business is called

A. secondary research.
B. competitor's edge. 
C. demographic research. 
D.potential customer sourcing


The correct answer is A. secondary research.

Secondary research refers to the use of existing data or information that has been collected by others for a different purpose. In the context of your question, applying someone else's survey information to your business would involve using data that was collected by another entity and using it to gain insights or inform decision-making within your own business.

To conduct secondary research, you would typically gather information from sources such as market reports, industry studies, government publications, academic research, or publicly available surveys. This data can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, market trends, competitor analysis, and other relevant information that can help inform your business decisions. By using existing research, you save time and resources compared to conducting your own primary research, which involves designing and implementing your own surveys or studies.