What is the solubility, in mg/mL, of a 50% water/50% methanol solution at 73.5 degrees Celsius? Is there a table available online somewhere?

To determine the solubility of a substance in a specific solvent and temperature, you typically refer to solubility tables or databases. One commonly used resource is the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, which provides comprehensive solubility data.

To find the solubility of a substance, such as water or methanol, in a specific solvent mixture (50% water/50% methanol) at a particular temperature (73.5 degrees Celsius), you need to consult a reliable solubility table or database that provides information on solubility in different solvent systems.

Online access to resources like the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is usually provided through academic libraries or scientific databases. These resources often require a subscription or paid access.

To find solubility tables or databases that are freely available, you can try searching on trusted chemistry websites or scientific databases, such as PubChem or NIST Chemistry WebBook. These platforms provide access to various chemical information, including solubility data.