adjective of thosse words and make them in the centenses


I don't know how to make centenses. What's a centense?

No one here will write your sentences for you, but we will be happy to check what you write.

Be sure to look up all words here first, and pay attention to the sample uses, too.

Daniela promoted her makeup line to achieve customers.

She demoted the security to put on a lower rank.

The car accelerated at a speed of five meters per second.

The hotel was a convietley situated

What on earth is a convietley?

None of those sentences uses the words as adjectives.

To find the adjectives for the words "promoted," "demoted," "accelerated," and "situated," we need to determine the noun forms of these words first. The noun forms will help us identify the adjectives.

1. Promoted:
The noun form of "promoted" is "promotion." To form an adjective, we can add the suffix "-ed" to the noun form. So, the adjective for "promoted" is "promoted."

Example sentence: She was ecstatic about her promoted position.

2. Demoted:
The noun form of "demoted" is "demotion." By adding the suffix "-ed" to the noun form, we can create an adjective. Therefore, the adjective for "demoted" is "demoted."

Example sentence: After his demoted status, he struggled with a loss of motivation.

3. Accelerated:
The noun form of "accelerated" is "acceleration." Adding the "-ed" suffix turns it into the adjective "accelerated."

Example sentence: The accelerated pace of the project demanded additional resources.

4. Situated:
The noun form of "situated" is "situation." To form an adjective, we can use the suffix "-ed" or "-d" in some cases. Therefore, we can use "situated" as both the past participle adjective and the simple past adjective.

Example sentence 1: The company is situated in a prime location.
Example sentence 2: The situated candidates waited patiently for their interviews.