
by implicit differentiation.
tan−1(4x2y) = x + 3xy2

Just use the product and chain rules:

arctan(4x^2y) = x + 3xy^2

1/(1+16x^4y^2) * (8xy+4x^2y') = 1 + 3y^2 + 6xyy'

8xy/(1+16x^4y^2) + 4x^2/(1+16x^4y^2) y' = 1+3y^2 + 6xyy'

y'(4x^2/(1+16x^4y^2) - 6xy) = 1+3y^2 - 8xy/(1+16x^4y^2)

At this point, it's just algebra, and serves no useful purpose to pursue it much further. Just solve for y' and you can massage it in various ways, as shown here:^2y%29+%3D+x+%2B+3xy^2

Let's find dy/dx by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to x:

d/dx(tan^(-1)(4x^2y)) = d/dx(x + 3xy^2)

Using the chain rule, the left side becomes:

1 / (1 + (4x^2y)^2) * d/dx(4x^2y)

Simplifying the left side:

1 / (1 + 16x^4y^2) * d/dx(4x^2y)

Using the product rule on the right side, we get:

1 / (1 + 16x^4y^2) * (8xy + 12x^2y^2 + 3y^2)

Combining like terms:

(8xy + 12x^2y^2 + 3y^2) / (1 + 16x^4y^2)

Therefore, dy/dx is equal to:

(8xy + 12x^2y^2 + 3y^2) / (1 + 16x^4y^2)

To find dy/dx by implicit differentiation, we will differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x.

Starting with the given equation:

tan^(-1)(4x^2y) = x + 3xy^2

Differentiating both sides with respect to x:

d/dx [tan^(-1)(4x^2y)] = d/dx [x + 3xy^2]

To differentiate tan^(-1)(4x^2y), we use the chain rule. Let's calculate the left-hand side first:

Chain rule: d/dx [tan^(-1)(u)] = (1/ (1+u^2)) * d/dx [u]

Here, u = 4x^2y. Taking the derivative with respect to x:

d/dx [tan^(-1)(4x^2y)] = (1/ (1+(4x^2y)^2)) * d/dx [4x^2y]

Applying the chain rule again to d/dx [4x^2y]:

d/dx [4x^2y] = 4 * d/dx [x^2y] = 4 * (2xy + x^2(dy/dx))

Simplifying the expression:

(1/ (1+(4x^2y)^2)) * 4 * (2xy + x^2(dy/dx)) = 1 + 3y^2 + 3x * 2y(dy/dx)

Combining similar terms and rearranging the equation:

(1/ (1+16x^4y^2)) * (8xy + 4x^3y(dy/dx)) = 1 + 3y^2 + 6xy(dy/dx)

Now, let's solve for dy/dx by isolating the terms involving dy/dx:

(1/ (1+16x^4y^2)) * 4x^3y(dy/dx) - 6xy(dy/dx) = 1 + 3y^2 - 8xy

Factoring out dy/dx:

[(4x^3y - 6xy) / (1+16x^4y^2)] * dy/dx = 1 + 3y^2 - 8xy

Finally, solve for dy/dx by dividing both sides by the coefficient of dy/dx:

dy/dx = [(1 + 3y^2 - 8xy) / (4x^3y - 6xy)] * (1+16x^4y^2)

To find the derivative dy/dx by implicit differentiation, we will differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x and then solve for dy/dx.

Step 1: Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x using the chain rule and product rule as needed.

Differentiating the left side:
d/dx (tan^(-1)(4x^2y)) = d/dx (x + 3xy^2)

Using the chain rule on the left side:
(1/(1 + (4x^2y)^2)) * d/dx (4x^2y) = 1 + 3y^2 + 6xy(dy/dx)

Simplifying the left side:
(1/(1 + 16x^4y^2)) * (8xy + 4x^2(dy/dx)y) = 1 + 3y^2 + 6xy(dy/dx)

Step 2: Simplify the equation and isolate dy/dx.

Multiplying both sides by (1 + 16x^4y^2) to eliminate the fraction on the left side:
8xy + 4x^2(dy/dx)y = (1 + 3y^2 + 6xy(dy/dx))(1 + 16x^4y^2)

Expanding the right side:
8xy + 4x^2(dy/dx)y = 1 + 3y^2 + 6xy(dy/dx) + 16x^4y^2 + 48x^5y^2(dy/dx)

Rearranging the equation to isolate dy/dx terms on one side:
8xy - 6xy(dy/dx) - 48x^5y^2(dy/dx) - 4x^2(dy/dx)y = 1 + 3y^2 - 16x^4y^2

Factoring out dy/dx terms:
dy/dx * (-6xy - 48x^5y^2 - 4x^2y) = 1 + 3y^2 - 16x^4y^2 - 8xy

Dividing both sides by (-6xy - 48x^5y^2 - 4x^2y) to solve for dy/dx:
dy/dx = (1 + 3y^2 - 16x^4y^2 - 8xy) / (-6xy - 48x^5y^2 - 4x^2y)

So, the derivative dy/dx by implicit differentiation is given by:
dy/dx = (1 + 3y^2 - 16x^4y^2 - 8xy) / (-6xy - 48x^5y^2 - 4x^2y)