y=4/9x direct variation

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To determine if the equation y=4/9x represents direct variation, we need to check if the equation has the form y = kx, where k is a constant.

In this equation, y = 4/9x, we can rewrite it as y = (4/9)x.

Comparing this to the form y = kx, we see that k = 4/9. Since k is a constant, we can conclude that the equation represents direct variation.

Therefore, the equation y = 4/9x represents direct variation.

To determine if the equation y = (4/9)x represents direct variation, we need to check if there is a constant ratio between the variables y and x.

In direct variation, the ratio of y to x remains constant. This means that as x changes, y changes in proportion to x by a specific ratio.

To verify if y = (4/9)x represents direct variation, we can compare the equation with the general form of direct variation: y = kx, where k is the constant of variation.

By comparing the given equation (y = (4/9)x) with the general form (y = kx), we can see that the constant of variation is k = 4/9.

Since the equation has a constant ratio between y and x (k = 4/9), we can conclude that y = (4/9)x represents direct variation.