You have decided to use the case study method to investigate a mother’s experience in raising a child with autism

That's o.k.

To conduct a case study on a mother's experience in raising a child with autism, follow these steps:

1. Define your research objectives: Clearly articulate what you want to achieve through the case study. Determine what specific aspects of the mother's experience you want to explore and understand better.

2. Identify your research participant: Find a mother who has a child with autism and is willing to participate in your case study. It's essential to obtain informed consent from the participant, ensuring they understand the purpose, nature, and potential risks/benefits of the study.

3. Develop interview questions: Prepare a list of open-ended questions that allow the mother to share her experiences, challenges, and successes in raising a child with autism. Consider asking about her coping strategies, support networks, and interactions with professionals.

4. Conduct the interviews: Arrange an appropriate setting and schedule interviews with the research participant. Ensure a comfortable environment that encourages open communication. Before starting, explain the purpose of the study again, assure confidentiality, and answer any questions the participant may have. Record the interviews (with permission) for accurate data analysis.

5. Gather additional data: Apart from interviews, you may want to gather additional data to enrich your case study. This could include documents, journals, or personal records kept by the participant related to her experiences as a mother of a child with autism.

6. Analyze the data: Thoroughly analyze the collected data to identify patterns, themes, and insights. This could involve transcribing interviews, coding responses, and comparing data across different participants, if applicable.

7. Create a case study report: Summarize the findings of your case study in a comprehensive report. It should include an introduction, background information, research objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. Use quotes and examples from the participant's interviews to provide depth and authenticity to the narrative.

8. Ensure confidentiality and ethical considerations: Safeguard the participant's identity throughout the case study process. Protect sensitive information and ensure that your research complies with ethical guidelines and data protection regulations.

Remember to approach the case study with sensitivity and empathy, recognizing the participant's unique experiences and perspectives.