In an investigation to find the number of african potato plants in a field of area 6 000m^2 three plots were selected.each with an area of 10^2.Pot 1 contained three and the other plots contained seven and two african potato plans,respectively. two advantages of projecting the future size of the human population. one indirect method that will be more appropriate to estimate the number of buck in a game reserve

thanks in advance

Life science

Name one other indirect method that will be more appropriate to estimate the number of bucks in a game reserve.

name one other indirect method that will be MRE appropriate to estimate the number of buck in a game reserve

1. Two advantages of projecting the future size of the human population are:

a) Planning for resource allocation: By knowing the future size of the human population, governments and organizations can better plan for resource allocation, such as food, water, housing, and healthcare. This helps avoid shortages and ensures that enough resources are allocated to meet the needs of the growing population.

b) Policy making: Population projections provide valuable information for policymakers to anticipate and address socio-economic challenges that may arise due to population growth. It allows them to develop appropriate policies related to education, employment, infrastructure development, and environmental sustainability.

To determine the advantages of projecting the future size of the human population, you can research and analyze the existing literature on demographic studies and population projections. This can include reports from organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, or national statistical agencies. You can also look into academic articles and research papers on population dynamics and its impact on various aspects of society.

2. An indirect method that would be more appropriate to estimate the number of buck (male deer) in a game reserve is the Transect Sampling method.

The Transect Sampling method involves creating a predetermined path or line across the designated area of the game reserve and systematically recording the number of animals observed along the path. This method is particularly useful for estimating population densities of wildlife species in large areas. By sampling along the transect line, researchers can count the number of bucks they encounter and extrapolate that data to estimate the total number of bucks in the game reserve.

When using the Transect Sampling method, it's important to establish a representative transect line that covers different habitats and vegetation types in the game reserve. This ensures an accurate estimate of the buck population. Additionally, it's crucial to follow proper observational protocols to minimize bias and ensure reliable data collection.

To learn more about the Transect Sampling method and its application in estimating wildlife populations, you can refer to scientific literature, research papers, or books on wildlife ecology and population estimation techniques. Additionally, consulting with wildlife biologists or experts in the field can provide valuable insights on implementing the Transect Sampling method effectively.