can you provide me with other good points that you might think i should discuss in my paper within the outline that you provided me with. I just don't want to miss anything and give everything that is important for the comparing and contrasting of the two religions.judaism and chrisitianity.

Here are some ideas; each one may fit one or the other or both. You decide!

Deity (name, power, how viewed, etc.)
Place of origin
Major people (prophets, leaders, etc.)
Holy book/writings
Central beliefs
Any sects (divisions)
Main goals
Main practices, including worship practices

Maybe some of these will trigger some other ideas in your mind.

And here are some overall sites to help, in case you haven't already found them:

In addition to the information in each one, be sure to check out the Bibliography and External Links sections for each one at the bottom of each webpage.



Abraham, about 4000 years ago, entered into an agreement with the one supreme deity. The Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, presents a written account of the people of Israel as they responded to the call of the deity toward worldwide peace and justice. "Hope for redemption of the world" is a central vision. The family is focal point for religious observances, education, and identity. The Sabbath begins on Friday sundown and continues to Saturday sundown and is observed by worship at the synagogue and family events.

The deity is God or Jehovah in Christianity and Judaism.

The paragraph you quoted doesn't say much about the deity. In Judaism, God is seen more as a stern law-giver. In Christianity, He's viewed as a father-figure.

To further discuss the deity in Judaism and Christianity for your paper, you can explore the following points:

1. Nature and characteristics of the deity: Delve deeper into the qualities and attributes ascribed to God in each religion. For example, in Judaism, God is often described as just, merciful, and omnipotent, while in Christianity, God is often portrayed as loving, compassionate, and omnipresent.

2. Concept of monotheism: Discuss how both religions firmly adhere to the belief in one God, highlighting the significance of monotheism in Judaism and Christianity and how it distinguishes them from other religious traditions.

3. Names and titles of the deity: Examine the different names and titles used for God in each religion. For example, in Judaism, the primary name for God is Yahweh (or Jehovah), while in Christianity, God is referred to as God the Father, Jesus Christ (in the form of the Trinity), and the Holy Spirit.

4. Role of the deity in creation: Explore the beliefs and narratives about the creation of the world and humanity in Judaism and Christianity. Compare their perspectives on how God created the universe and the role of humans within it.

5. Divine interaction with humanity: Analyze how the deity interacts with humanity in each religion. This can include exploring concepts of revelation, prophecy, miracles, and divine intervention in the lives of believers.

Remember to gather information from reliable sources such as religious texts, scholarly articles, and reputable websites to support your points.