Explain how to use hundredths grids to subtract 1.65-0.98



To subtract 1.65 - 0.98 using hundredths grids, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Represent the numbers using hundredths grids. Draw a grid with ten squares in each row and ten rows. Each square represents one hundredth.

For 1.65, shade the first six squares in the grid to represent 1.00, and then shade five more squares to represent 0.60 (0.60 is six tenths of one hundredth).

For 0.98, shade the first nine squares to represent 0.90, and then shade eight more squares to represent 0.08 (0.08 is eight hundredths).

Step 2: Subtract the shaded squares. Start from the rightmost column and subtract the corresponding shaded squares.

In the hundredths place, subtract eight hundredths from five hundredths. Since five hundredths is smaller than eight hundredths, we need to borrow from the tenths place. So, subtract one from the six tenths, which becomes five tenths, and add it to the five hundredths. Now we have 15 hundredths minus eight hundredths, which equals seven hundredths.

In the tenths place, subtract nine tenths from five tenths. Since five tenths is smaller than nine tenths, we need to borrow from the ones place. So, subtract one from the one in the ones place, which becomes zero ones, and add it to the five tenths. Now we have 10 tenths minus nine tenths, which equals one tenth.

In the ones place, subtract zero ones from one one, which equals one.

Therefore, the result of 1.65 - 0.98 using hundredths grids is 0.67.