Identify the correct sentence.

A. A giant spider with long legs are crawling on the wall in the living room.
B. A giant spider with long legs is crawling on the wall in the living room.
C. Neither the roach nor the spider are still alive.
D. Neither the spider nor the roaches is still alive.

Yes. B is right.


Make sure you know the subject and verb in each sentence.

The answer is A

B. A giant spider with long legs is crawling on the wall in the living room.

The correct sentence is B. "A giant spider with long legs is crawling on the wall in the living room."

To identify the correct sentence, we need to analyze the subject-verb agreement. In sentence A, there is a disagreement between the subject "spider" (singular) and the verb "are" (plural). In sentence C, there is a disagreement between the subject "neither the roach nor the spider" (singular) and the verb "are" (plural). In sentence D, there is a disagreement between the subject "neither the spider nor the roaches" (plural) and the verb "is" (singular).

Therefore, the correct sentence is B, which has subject-verb agreement with the singular subject "spider" and the singular verb "is."