how did the Connecticut, Rhode island and new Hampshire colonies begin?

my answer is - all three were spearheaded by dissident roger Williams.
Is this the right answer?

No. Roger Williams was only involved with Rhode Island.

is it a- founder of all three colonies strongly disagreed with the Massachusetts colony. and sought to establish their own communities elsewhere.


No, that answer is not entirely correct. While Roger Williams did play a significant role in the founding of colonies in the region, he did not spearhead all three of the colonies you mentioned.

To provide a more accurate answer, let's look at the founding of each colony individually:

1. Connecticut Colony:
Connecticut was initially settled by the English Puritans. In 1636, a group of settlers led by Reverend Thomas Hooker established the Connecticut Colony. They were seeking religious freedom and democratic governance based on the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, a document considered the first written constitution in America.

2. Rhode Island Colony:
Rhode Island was founded by a combination of individuals seeking religious freedom, including Roger Williams. After being banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony due to his controversial beliefs, Williams established a settlement called Providence in 1636. He advocated for the separation of church and state and welcomed individuals of various religious backgrounds to the colony.

3. New Hampshire Colony:
The New Hampshire Colony had a more complicated founding compared to the other two. It began as settlements established by fishermen and traders from England in the early 17th century. The area was eventually claimed by Massachusetts Bay Colony, which governed it until 1679 when it became a separate royal colony under King Charles II.

Therefore, while Roger Williams did play a crucial role in the founding of Rhode Island, the Connecticut and New Hampshire colonies had different origins and were not primarily spearheaded by him.