1. She will become a physicitst one day.

2. Sydney turned the pages with great interest.

3. Sydney turned pale at the sight.

4. He was a strange character.

5. June feels confident about her grades.

List the linking verbs and tell if linking or NL.

1. will become---L
2. turned----NL
3. turned---L
4. was---L
5. feels-L

Linking verbs are always linking.

What is NL?

Sorry. Have to list the verb or verb phrase and then tell if it contains a linking verb (L) or does ot contain a linking verb (NL).

Your answers are correct.

To determine whether a verb is a linking verb or a non-linking verb (action verb), you need to consider the function of the verb in the sentence.

Linking verbs, also known as copular verbs, establish a relationship between the subject of the sentence and a noun, pronoun, or adjective that is linked to it. They do not show action or movement. To identify a linking verb, you can check if the verb connects the subject to a complement that describes or renames the subject. Common linking verbs include words like be, appear, seem, become, feel, and look.

Non-linking verbs, on the other hand, express action, movement, or a state of being. These verbs can be transitive (taking a direct object) or intransitive (not taking a direct object). They show the subject performing an action or being in a certain state.

Now let's analyze the linking verbs and non-linking verbs in the given sentences:

1. She will become a physicist one day.
- Linking verb: become (establishes a relationship between "she" and "physicist")

2. Sydney turned the pages with great interest.
- Non-linking verb: turned (describes an action performed by Sydney)

3. Sydney turned pale at the sight.
- Linking verb: turned (establishes a relationship between "Sydney" and "pale")

4. He was a strange character.
- Linking verb: was (establishes a relationship between "he" and "character")

5. June feels confident about her grades.
- Linking verb: feels (establishes a relationship between "June" and "confident")

So, in this list, the linking verbs are "will become," "turned," "turned," "was," and "feels." The non-linking verb is "turned."