Paul's tattered clothing are a symbol of his?


Without knowing what literature you are talking about, there is no way to give you a definite answer.

Paul's Case is the story

the story is Paul's Case

Have you read the story? Paragraph 20 contains some big clues, but it's not the only paragraph.

To determine the answer to this question, we can analyze the information given in the statement. The statement mentions that Paul's clothing is tattered, and we are asked what this symbolizes about Paul.

To answer this question, we can make an inference based on the provided options and the context of the situation. Let's examine each option:

A. REBELLIOUS NATURE: This option suggests that Paul's tattered clothing represents his rebellious nature. It implies that Paul intentionally wears torn clothes as an act of defiance. However, there is no evidence in the statement to support this interpretation.

B. UNCONCERN ABOUT WHAT HE LOOKED LIKE: This option suggests that Paul's tattered clothing reflects his lack of concern or care about his appearance. It implies that Paul doesn't put any effort into how he presents himself. This could be a possible interpretation given the description of his clothing.

C. DESIRE TO INSULT THE FACULTY: This option suggests that Paul's tattered clothing is a deliberate attempt to insult the faculty. However, there is no mention in the statement to indicate that insulting the faculty is his intention.

D. ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES: This option suggests that Paul's tattered clothing is a result of his economic circumstances. It implies that he cannot afford new clothes, leading to the worn-out appearance of his garments. This interpretation seems plausible, considering the mention of "tattered" clothing, which typically indicates wear and tear.

Given the options and the contextual clues, it is most logical to conclude that Paul's tattered clothing symbolizes his ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES (Option D).