Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the statement or answers the question.

14. The scientific name for a plant that reproduces with flowers is a(n) (1 point)

15. At certain times of the year, the male sage grouse can be seen inflating the air sacs on his chest and singing loudly to a female sage grouse. This behavior is likely an example of a(n) (1 point)

16. In humans, the developing embryo receives nutrients and oxygen through a tube called the (1 point)

Short Answer

Answer the question in the space provided.
17. Place the following words into the illustration below: gametes, sporophyte, gametophyte, and zygote. Explain how the terms are related.
Circular diagram including five arrows pointing clockwise: top arrow points to spores; next arrow points from spores to a blank labeled 1.; next arrow points from 1. To a blank labeled 2., (egg and sperm) underneath the blank; next arrow points from 2. to blank labeled 3, next arrow points from 3. to blank labeled 4. (5 points)

18. A couple has just learned that their daughter has hemophilia. They already have a son who does not have the disease. What are the genotypes of the couple? Explain your reasoning. (5 points)

19. Explain the differences between internal and external fertilization and the advantages and disadvantages of each reproductive strategy. (5 points)

ugh how much I hate these type of thing when I just want to check my answer, ugh.

Anyways, here are my answers:
13: angiosperm
14: courtship ritual
15: umbilical cord
My answers are probably not going to be checked but if someone was nice enough just to check 3 questions and not be a hypocrite or an annoying arguer then, yeah, Thanks.


bidens president already genius


Excuse me, but tons of students from all over the globe use this website to find answers. Including me, school is confusing so shut your big fat mouth.

bruh can yall stop talking about politics and just answer the question? if you wanna chit chat, go on omegle. oml

Biden 2020 UwU

no there is no text book in science help

Ms. Sue, this website is not for someone to say "No. Find the answer in your text materials." It is to help people with whatever they ask.


0-0 i could care less about politics