Your friend is 1.2 times taller than you. Your friend is 64.5 inches tall. How tall are you?

To calculate your height, we need to divide your friend's height by 1.2 since your friend is 1.2 times taller than you.

Height = Friend's height / 1.2

Height = 64.5 inches / 1.2

Height = 53.75 inches

So, you are approximately 53.75 inches tall.

To find out how tall you are, we can use a simple mathematical equation.

Let's represent your height as "x."

Given that your friend is 1.2 times taller than you, we can set up the equation:

Friend's height = 1.2 * Your height

Substituting the known values into the equation:

64.5 inches = 1.2 * x

Now, we can solve for your height (x):

Divide both sides of the equation by 1.2 to isolate x:

64.5 inches / 1.2 = x

Calculating this expression:

x ≈ 53.75 inches

Therefore, your height is approximately 53.75 inches.

64.5 / 1.2 = 53.75 in

64.5 divided by 1.2 is 53.75.