Clayton enjoyed listening to the suite at the concert, so he went home and downloaded the music

As it is used in the sentence above, suite is to _______ as book is to author.





I can't choose between C and D

The author of a book is the person who wrote the book, so what is the comparison to the suite.

Books are written by authors.

Who writes suites?

Oh it's composer :O

Thanks guys :D

Yes! :-)

To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the relationship between the words in the sentence. In this case, the sentence states that Clayton enjoyed listening to the suite at the concert, so he downloaded the music when he got home. A suite in the context of a concert refers to a set of musical compositions, typically arranged in a specific order.

Applying this relationship to the options given, we can draw a parallel between a suite and a book. Just as a suite is a collection of musical compositions, a book is a collection of written works. Therefore, the correct answer is D) Composer.

A composer is the person who creates the musical compositions within a suite, similar to an author who creates the written works within a book.