in a group of children one fifth play cricket two fifth play football and one fifth play tennis.and 30 play remaining games . find the total number of children.

(1/5)x + (2/5)x + (1/5)x + 30 = x

(4/5)x + 30 = x

30 = (1/5)x

150 = x

To find the total number of children in the group, we first need to determine the fraction of children playing each game.

Let's assign variables to each group:
Let C represent the number of children playing cricket.
Let F represent the number of children playing football.
Let T represent the number of children playing tennis.

From the given information, we know that:
C = 1/5 of the total number of children
F = 2/5 of the total number of children
T = 1/5 of the total number of children

We also know that 30 children play the remaining games. To find the total number of children, we need to add the number of children in each group:

Total number of children = C + F + T + 30

Now, substitute the known values into the equation:

Total number of children = (1/5)C + (2/5)C + (1/5)C + 30

Combining like terms, we simplify the equation:

Total number of children = (4/5)C + 30

However, we still don't know the value of C. To find C, we need more information or another equation.

Please provide additional information if available, or let me know if you have any other questions.