Can you give me an example of how to write a sentence in active voice and in present tense as well?

The dog is growling at me.

Active voice...the action moves from the subject to an object.... The puppy bit my toe. The action moves from puppy to toe.

Sure! To write a sentence in active voice and present tense, you need to make sure that the subject is performing the action described by the verb. Here's an example:

Active Voice: The dog chases the ball.

To form this sentence, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, it's "The dog."
2. Choose an appropriate verb: Here, "chases" is the verb in present tense.
3. Formulate the sentence: Combine the subject and verb to create the sentence. In this example, "The dog chases the ball."
4. Remember, in active voice, the subject of the sentence is doing the action, whereas in passive voice, the subject is having the action done to it.

Using active voice in writing can make your sentences clearer, more direct, and more engaging for the reader.