To face life’s crises with courage and faith, everyone needs to feel connected to others to feel pride in his/her purpose, and to believe that overcoming the problem is possible. Provide evidence from the text to support the theme in red above. Please respond to this question using the ACE Chart above.

What ACE chart above?

its just a chart that is A=Answer, C=Cite, E=Explain

We don't have your text.

ok um let me just change my question

where could I find evidence in the passage "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" to support that the theme is, To face life’s crises with courage and faith, everyone needs to feel connected to others to feel pride in his/her purpose, and to believe that overcoming the problem is possible.

Look at the part where the general talks with the boy.

Unfortunately, there seems to be missing the text or any specific content from which I can provide supporting evidence. Could you please provide me with the necessary information for me to answer your question using the ACE chart?