What is 0.68 written as a simplified fraction? My answer is 17/25.

What makes the statement true? 7^-2=
My answer is 14.
What is 308,745,538 is scientific notation? My answer is 3.1 x 10^8.
What is the solution to (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5)written in scientific notation? My answer is 1.5 x 10^8.
If there is 1/3 of pie left, and Thomas only wants to eat 1/2 of it, how much pie does he want? My answer is 1/6.
What is 0.00000387 in scientific notation? My answer is 3.87 x 10^-6.
What is 2.28 x 10^-8 in standard form? My answer is 228,000,000.
Kay has 7/8 yd of fabric. To complete a project, she need 3 times that amount. How many yards of fabric does Kay need? My answer is 2 5/8.

Are my answers correct? Please help as soon as possible.

7^-2 = 1/7^2 = 1/49

2.28x10^8 is what you wrote
2.28x10^-8 = 0.0000000228

The others look good.

Watch out for those negative powers.

0.68 × 10

Let's go through each question and see if your answers are correct.

1. What is 0.68 written as a simplified fraction? Your answer is 17/25.
To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can simply write the decimal as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. However, if needed, you can simplify it further. In this case, 0.68 cannot be simplified further, so your answer of 17/25 is correct.

2. What makes the statement true? 7^-2 = ?? Your answer is 14.
To solve an exponent like 7^-2, you need to use the rule that any number raised to the power of -n is equal to 1 divided by that number raised to the power of n. So in this case, 7^-2 = 1 / 7^2 = 1 / 49. Therefore, your answer of 14 is not correct.

3. What is 308,745,538 in scientific notation? Your answer is 3.1 x 10^8.
To convert a number to scientific notation, you want to express it as a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive) multiplied by a power of 10. Looking at the number 308,745,538, we can express it as 3.08745538 x 10^8. However, we typically want to round to one decimal place, so the correct answer would be approximately 3.1 x 10^8. Your answer is correct.

4. What is the solution to (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5) written in scientific notation? Your answer is 1.5 x 10^8.
To multiply numbers in scientific notation, multiply the coefficients (the numbers before the "x 10^") and add the exponents. So in this case, (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5) = 15 x 10^7, which can be written as 1.5 x 10^8. Your answer is correct.

5. If there is 1/3 of a pie left, and Thomas only wants to eat 1/2 of it, how much pie does he want? Your answer is 1/6.
To find the amount Thomas wants to eat, we need to multiply the fractions. 1/3 * 1/2 = 1/6. So your answer of 1/6 is correct.

6. What is 0.00000387 in scientific notation? Your answer is 3.87 x 10^-6.
To convert a decimal to scientific notation, move the decimal point to the right until there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. Then count the number of places you moved the decimal point, and that becomes the exponent of 10. In this case, 0.00000387 becomes 3.87 x 10^-6. Your answer is correct.

7. What is 2.28 x 10^-8 in standard form? Your answer is 228,000,000.
To convert a number from scientific notation to standard form, you need to move the decimal point to the right or left based on the value of the exponent. In this case, the exponent is negative, so you move the decimal to the left. 2.28 x 10^-8 becomes 0.0000000228. Your answer is not correct.

8. Kay has 7/8 yd of fabric. To complete a project, she needs 3 times that amount. How many yards of fabric does Kay need? Your answer is 2 5/8.
To find the total amount of fabric Kay needs, multiply the amount she already has (7/8) by 3. (7/8) * 3 = 21/8 = 2 5/8. Therefore, your answer of 2 5/8 is correct.

So, out of the eight questions, you have six correct answers. Great job! However, keep in mind that the incorrect answers in questions 2 and 7 need to be corrected.