The five candidates for mayor in the town Smallville were members of these five parties: conservative, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, and Republican. Their names are Goshen, Hargreaves, Jensen, Liebowitz, and Nelson. From the information given, determine not only the party to which each of the candidates belong, but also the order of finish in the election.

I am just totally confused on this question.

could someone please answer this question it really confused me and I am stuck.

What information?

the whole question

it is a logic puzzle question

You haven't posted enough information to solve this puzzle.

i know these logic questions she is right there should be hints

To solve this question, we need to follow a step-by-step approach. Let's break it down together:

Step 1: Analyze the given information
From the information provided, we know that there are five candidates running for mayor in Smallville, and they belong to the following parties: conservative, Democrat, Independent, Liberal, and Republican. Their names are Goshen, Hargreaves, Jensen, Liebowitz, and Nelson.

Step 2: Determine the order of finish
To determine the order of finish, we need to consider any clues or restrictions provided in the question. Unfortunately, there aren't any specific clues mentioned in the question. This means we'll have to use a logical approach and make assumptions to solve it.

Step 3: Make assumptions and use logic
Since we don't have any direct information about the order of finish, we'll use logical deductions to work through the possibilities. Here are some assumptions we can make:

1. The conservative and Democrat candidates cannot finish first because they are mentioned first in the list of parties and candidate names. (Goshen and Hargreaves)
2. The Independent candidate cannot finish last since they are mentioned third in the list of parties and candidate names. (Jensen)
3. The Republican candidate cannot finish first or last since they are mentioned last in the list of parties and candidate names. (Nelson)

Step 4: Apply the assumptions and find the solution
Now, let's apply the assumptions we made in Step 3 and work through the possibilities:

1. Since the conservative and Democrat candidates cannot finish first, second, or third, they must finish fourth and fifth. Therefore, Goshen and Hargreaves must be the fourth and fifth candidates, respectively.
2. Since the Independent candidate cannot finish last, Jensen must be the first or second candidate.
3. Since the Republican candidate cannot finish first or last, Nelson must be the second or third candidate.

Now let's put it all together:

Based on the assumptions and information given, one possible solution could be:

1. Jensen - Independent
2. Liebowitz - Democrat
3. Nelson - Republican
4. Goshen - Conservative
5. Hargreaves - Liberal

Keep in mind that this solution might not be the only one, as there might be other logical possibilities. However, based on the given information, this is a potential order of finish for the election.

Remember, the solution might vary depending on any additional information or clues that might have been omitted from the original question.