Question: What is the importance of institution on human prehistory?

My work so far:
Institution: A long lasting pattern of organization in a community.

My Question: What does the definition mean when it says "pattern of organization in a community"?

Is there one person in charge and everyone else obeys him/her?

Is there a council of people in charge who make all the community's decisions?

Or what other types of community organization can you think of?

Other patterns of organization can be seen in the kind of structures that organize a community. The family or clan, a tribe of people with similar ways of life/language, a religion, etc. Some kind of structure, formal or informal, that organizes the life of the community. And keep in mind that how a community is defined is important. The family (mom, dad, kids) is a community within a larger community of a village, while that may be part of an even larger community of a tribe consisting of many villages, etc.

The phrase "pattern of organization in a community" refers to the way in which individuals within a community are organized and interact with each other based on certain shared rules, norms, and values. In the context of institutions, it means that there are established systems and structures in place that dictate how people in a community should behave, how resources are allocated, and how social relationships are maintained.

For example, in a tribal society, there may be institutions that govern how food is collected and distributed among the members, how leadership positions are attained, or how conflicts are resolved. These institutions create a framework that guides the behavior and actions of individuals within the community.

By having institutions, a community can establish stability, cooperation, and order. They provide a set of rules and guidelines that help regulate social interactions and facilitate the functioning of society. Institutions also play a crucial role in shaping the cultural, economic, and political aspects of a community.

In the context of human prehistory, the development and evolution of institutions were of great importance. Institutions such as family structures, religious practices, economic systems, and political organizations emerged and adapted over time, influencing the way early humans lived, survived, and interacted with each other.

Understanding the importance of institutions in human prehistory involves studying archaeological evidence, examining cultural practices, and analyzing how these institutions impacted the lives of early humans. By examining the patterns of organization in past communities, researchers can gain insights into the social, economic, and political dynamics that shaped human development over time.