Using the table below, find how long it will take the jet to travel 5060 miles.

1 2 3 4
460 920 1380 1840

Can some one help me, I do not understand.


V = 460mi/1h = 460 mi/h.

Or V = 920mi/2h = 460 mi/h.
Or V = 1380mi/3h = 460 mi/h.
Or V = 1840mi/4h = 460 mi/h.
Get it?

d = V*T = 5060 miles.
460*T = 5060.
T = 11 h.

Of course! I can help you understand how to find how long it will take the jet to travel 5060 miles using the given table.

In the given table, the "Hours" column represents the time it takes for the jet to travel a certain distance in miles. The "Miles" column represents the corresponding distance traveled by the jet in that amount of time.

To find how long it will take the jet to travel 5060 miles, you can look for the closest value to 5060 in the "Miles" column and then check the corresponding value in the "Hours" column.

Looking at the "Miles" column, we see that the closest value to 5060 miles is 4600 miles (which is the highest value that is less than 5060). The corresponding value in the "Hours" column is 4.

Therefore, it will take the jet 4 hours to travel 5060 miles, according to the given table.