Which of the following is an example of a run-on sentence?

Baseball is an amazing sport to play and to watch.

Nothing beats the thrill of the sport on the diamond.

I hope you like watching baseball, I really love it.

If you don’t watch it, you don’t know what you’re missing.

I think it's C. Please confirm or deny. Thank you

Yes, C.

Thank you!

You're very welcome.

Yes, you are correct. Sentence C, "I hope you like watching baseball, I really love it," is an example of a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (complete thoughts) are written together without proper punctuation or conjunctions to join them. In this case, "I hope you like watching baseball" and "I really love it" are both independent clauses, but they are not properly joined. To correct this run-on sentence, you can either use a period to make two separate sentences ("I hope you like watching baseball. I really love it.") or use a coordinating conjunction like "and" to join the clauses ("I hope you like watching baseball, and I really love it.").