The title of my project says it all.. Women are most effected by the issues. The women right movement have been going on ever since the 1800’s. The natural rights for women should mean them getting equal pay, getting the same job as a man and women not being judge because society puts restrictions on what women may do and not do. To begin the rights movement two women named Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott held their first meeting about the rights of women which had about 100 people attended and 2/3 of them being women. They stated from the declaration of independence that “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal” and while that was being said a female held a flag that stated “No self respecting women should wish or work for success of a party that ignores her sex. The natural rights for women should be about social, and institutional barriers that limits women’s right that includes their family responsibilities.. Meaning that a female shouldn’t wait hand and foot for a man while he can’t even take a minute to take care of their child. Education wise also meaning that women should be able to go to school and get their education instead of staying home taking care of kids and husband. And lastly, economic opportunities and their voices within political debates. Meaning said before women should have equal pay, they should be able to work the same job as a man and should be able to vote such as men do.(A Radical for Women’s Rights (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1980); and Margaret Hope Bacon, Valiant Friend: The Life of Lucretia Mott(New York: Walker Publishing, 1980 pg.1)

Can someone help check my writting, and see if I did my in-text citation correctly?

Your citations are incorrect. You've put the Works Cited info where the in-text info should be.

Each source of information needs to be cited in TWO places:

1. the Works Cited page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
2. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.

For example, this would go on the Works Cited page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):

Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago, 1903. Project Bartleby. Ed. Steven van Leeuwen. Dec. 1995. Columbia U. 2 Dec. 2014

... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Du Bois)

The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a Works Cited page – for all the details of the listing.

This is a good place for information on citing in MLA format:


The natural rights for women should be about social, and institutional barriers that limits women’s right that includes their family responsibilities.. Meaning that a female shouldn’t wait hand and foot for a man. This also means women should not stay in a abusive relationship because of what her religion says or because she’s afraid of her husband. Education wise also meaning that women should be able to go to school and get their education instead of staying home taking care of kids and husband, and because of what their religion beliefs says. And lastly, economic opportunities and their voices within political debates. Meaning said before women should have equal pay, they should be able to work the same job as a man and should be able to vote such as men do.(

does this sound better?

I'm not writting a paper, I'm doing a powerpoint and I've gotten my information from a website and it doesn't have any authors or page number..

The natural rights for women should be about social, and institutional barriers that limits women’s right that includes their family responsibilities.. <~~Get rid of extra punctuation in and at the end of the sentence.

Should be "women's rights" (not "right")
The two clauses beginning with "that" at the end of that sentence make it read very awkwardly. Read it aloud and you'll hear it.

Meaning that a female shouldn’t wait hand and foot for a man. <~~That's not a complete sentence.

This also means women should not stay in a abusive relationship because of what her religion says or because she’s afraid of her husband. <~~ "a abusive"??? and you have "women" (plural) at the first, but then "her" and "she" later on. What?

You need to do lots more editing and proofreading here. Please don't post rough drafts on this website.

ok thanks

It doesn't matter what you're writing or doing. You don't put all that bibliographical info in parentheses in a text!

Please read and follow the MLA directions for in-text citations.

As an AI language model, I can help you check your writing and assist with the in-text citation. However, I am unable to physically check your text or format it directly. I can provide general guidance on how to check your writing and ensure correct in-text citations.

To check your writing, you can follow these steps:

1. Read through your writing to identify any grammatical errors, sentence structure issues, or spelling mistakes.
2. Ensure that your ideas are clear and well-organized. Make sure each paragraph or section has a clear purpose and connects logically to the next.
3. Check for any inconsistencies, repetition, or unnecessary information in your text. Trim down sentences or paragraphs that may be wordy or repetitive.
4. Confirm that your writing is coherent and flows smoothly from one idea to the next.

Regarding your in-text citations, it seems that you have referenced two books by different authors. In-text citations typically include the author's last name and the page number(s) where the information can be found. Since you mentioned specific pages in the books, you should include the page number(s) in your citations. Here's an example:

(Author Last Name, Year, p. Page Number)

For example, if the author's last name is Smith and the information is located on page 10, your in-text citation would look like this: (Smith, Year, p. 10).

Please note that you should replace "Author Last Name" with the actual last name of the author, "Year" with the publication year of the book, and "Page Number" with the specific page number(s) where the information is located.

Remember to consult your style guide or instructor's guidelines for specific formatting requirements and citation styles.

I hope this helps!