What is 0.68 written as a simplified fraction? My answer is 17/25.

What makes the statement true? 7^-2=
My answer is 14.
What is 308,745,538 is scientific notation? My answer is 3.1 x 10^8.
What is the solution to (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5)written in scientific notation? My answer is 1.5 x 10^8.
If there is 1/3 of pie left, and Thomas only wants to eat 1/2 of it, how much pie does he want? My answer is 1/6.
What is 0.00000387 in scientific notation? My answer is 3.87 x 10^-6.
What is 2.28 x 10^-8 in standard form? My answer is 228,000,000.
Kay has 7/8 yd of fabric. To complete a project, she need 3 times that amount. How many yards of fabric does Kay need? My answer is 2 5/8.

Are my answers correct? Please help as soon as possible.




Let's go through each question and check your answers:

1. What is 0.68 written as a simplified fraction? Your answer is 17/25.
To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can write it as a fraction with the decimal number as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. Then, you simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, you started with the decimal 0.68. To convert it to a fraction, you can write it as 68/100 since 0.68 is equivalent to 68 hundredths. Finally, you can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4 in this case. Therefore, the simplified fraction for 0.68 is 17/25. Your answer is correct!

2. What makes the statement true? 7^-2 = ?
To evaluate a negative exponent, you can reciprocate the base and make the exponent positive. In this case, the base is 7, and the exponent is -2. Therefore, 7^-2 is equal to 1/7^2. Evaluating this further gives 1/49. Your answer of 14 is incorrect. The correct answer is 1/49.

3. What is 308,745,538 in scientific notation? Your answer is 3.1 x 10^8.
To write a number in scientific notation, move the decimal point so that there is only one non-zero digit to its left and then express the remaining digits as a power of 10. In this case, you can write 308,745,538 as 3.08745538 x 10^8. However, in scientific notation, the coefficient (the number before the power of 10) should be between 1 and 10. Therefore, you can rewrite it as 3.1 x 10^8. Your answer is correct!

4. What is the solution to (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5) written in scientific notation? Your answer is 1.5 x 10^8.
To multiply numbers in scientific notation, you multiply the coefficients and add the exponents. In this case, (3 x 10^2) x (5 x 10^5) is equal to 15 x 10^(2+5) = 15 x 10^7. However, in scientific notation, the coefficient should be between 1 and 10. Therefore, you can rewrite it as 1.5 x 10^8. Your answer is correct!

5. If there is 1/3 of a pie left, and Thomas only wants to eat 1/2 of it, how much pie does he want? Your answer is 1/6.
To find the answer, you need to multiply the two fractions: (1/3) x (1/2) = 1/6. Your answer is correct!

6. What is 0.00000387 in scientific notation? Your answer is 3.87 x 10^-6.
To write a number in scientific notation, you move the decimal point so that there is only one non-zero digit to its left and then express the remaining digits as a power of 10. In this case, you can write 0.00000387 as 3.87 x 10^-6. Your answer is correct!

7. What is 2.28 x 10^-8 in standard form? Your answer is 228,000,000.
To write a number in standard form from scientific notation, you move the decimal point to the right or left according to the negative or positive exponent. In this case, you can write 2.28 x 10^-8 as 0.0000000228. Your answer of 228,000,000 is incorrect. The correct answer is 0.0000000228.

8. Kay has 7/8 yd of fabric. To complete a project, she needs 3 times that amount. How many yards of fabric does Kay need? Your answer is 2 5/8.
To find how much fabric Kay needs, you can multiply her current amount (7/8 yard) by 3. That gives you (7/8) x 3 = 21/8 yards. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 1 in this case. Therefore, the answer is 21/8 yards, which can also be written as 2 5/8 yards. Your answer is correct!

So out of 8 questions, 7 of your answers are correct. Great job! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.