what would be two reasons justifying the use of animals in physiological research. I need two examples that i could possibly argue

Justifying the use of animals in physiological research is a complex ethical and scientific issue. However, two arguments commonly made to support this practice are:

1. Comparative Physiology: Animals share many fundamental biological processes with humans, making them valuable subjects for studying and understanding physiological mechanisms. By conducting research on animals, scientists can gain insights into the underlying principles of human physiology that would be difficult or unethical to obtain directly from human subjects. For example, studying the cardiovascular system in animals like rodents or primates can provide crucial information about blood pressure regulation, heart function, and circulatory disorders.

To argue in favor of this point, you can emphasize the importance of comparative anatomy and physiology in understanding human health. Highlight the limitations of studying human physiology exclusively, such as ethical constraints and the inability to manipulate variables or replicate experiments in humans as easily as in animals.

2. Advancing Medical Knowledge and Treatment: Animals are used in scientific research to develop new medical treatments, therapies, and diagnostic tools. Many breakthroughs in medicine, such as vaccines, surgical procedures, and drug development, have relied on experiments with animals. Animal models allow researchers to study disease progression, test new medications for safety and effectiveness, and explore novel treatment approaches.

To argue for this point, stress the critical role that animals have played in medical advancements throughout history. Highlight specific examples where animals have contributed to significant discoveries or treatments, such as the use of mice in cancer research or primates in the development of HIV/AIDS therapies. Emphasize that without animal research, medical progress may be significantly hindered, potentially delaying or preventing the development of life-saving interventions.

While these are two examples that can be argued in favor of animal use in physiological research, it's important to remember that these arguments also have counterpoints, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of animals in research should always be part of the discussion.