Which of the following would not be an example of a vectored disease?

A. HIV/AIDS has ravished many people in Sub Sahara Africa
B. Malaria has affected many people in Southeast Asia
C. Yellow Fever has destroyed the lives of many people in the Caribbean
D. Cancer has spread in the Northeast due to pollution from Steel mills
E. The Black Plague spread accrod Europe and killed millions of people




Yes, you are correct. Option D, "Cancer has spread in the Northeast due to pollution from Steel mills," would not be an example of a vectored disease. To understand why, let's first explain what a vectored disease is.

A vectored disease is a disease that is transmitted from one host to another through a vector, which is typically an organism like a mosquito, tick, or other carrier. The vector plays a crucial role in the transmission of the disease.

In the given options, HIV/AIDS (Option A) can be transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids, making it a vectored disease. Malaria (Option B) is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, making it a vectored disease as well. Yellow Fever (Option C) is also transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, which makes it another example of a vectored disease. The Black Plague (Option E) was transmitted through fleas that infested rats, hence making it a vectored disease.

However, option D, "Cancer has spread in the Northeast due to pollution from Steel mills," does not fit the definition of a vectored disease. Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth, usually due to genetic mutations or exposure to certain environmental factors. It does not typically involve transmission from one person to another or require a carrier organism like a vector. Therefore, option D would not be an example of a vectored disease.