Could someone check my History questions? Please? My answers are under the questions...

1) Base your answer to the question on the statement below and on your knowledge of social studies.
… The whole military force of the State is at the service of a Mr. Suttle, a slaveholder from Virginia, to enable him to catch a man whom he calls his property; but not a soldier is offered to save a citizen of Massachusetts from being kidnapped! Is this what all these soldiers, all this training, have been for these seventy-nine years past [since the beginning of the American Revolution]? Have they been trained merely to rob Mexico and carry back fugitive slaves to their masters?…
— Henry David Thoreau, Independence Day speech at
Framingham, Massachusetts
The author of this statement is expressing dissatisfaction with a provision included in the
A) Treaty of Ghent (1815)
B) Oregon Treaty of 1846
C) Compromise of 1850
D) Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

5) What did the South gain from both the Compromise of the 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A) an enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law
B) a provision to honor the Mason-Dixon line
C) the gradual elimination of slavery in the territories being added to the nation
D) the use of popular sovereignty in making decisions about slavery in the territories
6) What was the effect of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A) The concept of popular sovereignty led to armed conflict between slave owners and abolitionists.
B) Slaveholders gained the right to establish slavery in those territories.
C) The extension of slavery into the new territories was prohibited.
D Residents of Kansas and Nebraska were prohibited from considering the issue of slavery until the territories became state.
Answer~ B
7) Which of the following was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850?
A) a stringent fugitive slave law
B) California's entry into the Union as a free state
C) settlement of Texas's debts
D) an exemption to allow the public sale of slaves in Washington, D.C. to continue
9) The term “states’ rights” refers to the belief that
A) States have the right to determine whether they will be free or slave
B) States should have more power than the federal government
C) States should be able to sue the federal government
D) The United States has the right to expand westward

#6, both A and B are correct.

#5 is not D
Others seem to be correct.

Ok, Thank you so much!!

1) The author of the statement is expressing dissatisfaction with a provision included in the Compromise of 1850.

5) The South gained the use of popular sovereignty in making decisions about slavery in the territories from both the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

6) The effect of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was that slaveholders gained the right to establish slavery in those territories.

7) An exemption to allow the public sale of slaves in Washington, D.C. to continue was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850.

9) The term "states' rights" refers to the belief that states should have more power than the federal government.

1) To answer this question, you need to analyze the statement by Henry David Thoreau and identify the provision that he is expressing dissatisfaction with. Thoreau criticizes the fact that the military force of the state is being used to assist a slaveholder in capturing a runaway slave, while no assistance is being offered to save a citizen of Massachusetts. This statement is referring to a specific period of time, as Thoreau mentions "these seventy-nine years past [since the beginning of the American Revolution]." Based on this information, you can eliminate choices A, B, and D. The provision that Thoreau is criticizing is the one that allowed for the capture and return of fugitive slaves, which was included in the Compromise of 1850. Therefore, the correct answer is C) Compromise of 1850.

5) To answer this question, you need to understand what the South gained from both the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Compromise of 1850 included a provision known as popular sovereignty, which allowed the residents of new territories to decide whether to allow slavery. The Kansas-Nebraska Act also implemented popular sovereignty in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Therefore, the South gained the use of popular sovereignty in making decisions about slavery in the territories from both of these measures. Thus, the correct answer is D) the use of popular sovereignty in making decisions about slavery in the territories.

6) To answer this question, you need to understand the effect of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The act implemented the concept of popular sovereignty, which allowed the residents of the territories to decide whether to allow slavery. As a result, this led to armed conflict between slave owners and abolitionists who had conflicting views on the issue of slavery. Therefore, the correct answer is A) The concept of popular sovereignty led to armed conflict between slave owners and abolitionists.

7) To answer this question, you need to identify which option was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 included several provisions, including the admission of California as a free state, a stringent fugitive slave law, and the settlement of Texas's debts. The option that was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850 is D) an exemption to allow the public sale of slaves in Washington, D.C. to continue. Therefore, the correct answer is D) an exemption to allow the public sale of slaves in Washington, D.C. to continue.

9) To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of "states' rights." "States' rights" refers to the belief that states should have more power than the federal government. It is the idea that certain powers and rights should be reserved for individual states, and that the federal government should have limited authority. Therefore, the correct answer is B) States should have more power than the federal government.