Visualize the concept of consecutive terms in an arithmetic progression. Show the numeric values 4 and 13 on the line as the first and fourth positions. Represent the terms p and q as abstract symbols in the second and third positions respectively. Immerse this line in an attractive and appealing mathematical setting, perhaps on a chalkboard or as scribbles on a notebook page. Keep a clean and clear aesthetic to provide a sense of simplicity and clarity. Please ensure that there is no text within the image.

Given that 4,p,q,13 are consecutive terms of a a.p find the value of p and q

First use this formula nth=a d(n-1)

13=4 d(4-1). 13=4 3d
13-4=3d. 3d/3=9/3
Secondly to find p and q use the formula for finding common difference( D )
Therefore d=2nd term-1st term
3=p-4. P=3 4=7
Since 3rd term=a 2d. q=a 2d. q=4 2(3)
q=4 6. q=10

Please the formula was not stated very well to get the answer as somebody who is learning mathematics it will not be clear on u get ur answers.

Show me the complete workings


Still dont get it pls

First of all our it this way

Then collect like terms and solve simultaneously
Ur answer will be p=7, q=10

p-4 = q-p

q-p = 13-q

Now just solve for q and p

Or, note that there are two equally-spaced terms between 4 and 13. So, the difference (13-4) is divided into three equal parts. That should help.