I'm writing a review and want to say that "xxx is what pushes the story forward" but with a more elegant and correct formulation. English is not my first language so I don't know all the expressions and such but I think that there is a proper expression for that. Would be kind if someone could help me out! /Hanna

please help me :( I also have another question.. do you say "show to" or "show for"?

You can say 'xxx makes the story better' or 'more interesting' Hope this helps :-)

Of course, Hanna! I'd be happy to help you find a more elegant expression for your review. Instead of saying "xxx is what pushes the story forward," you could consider using the phrase "xxx serves as the driving force behind the story." This phrase conveys the idea that xxx plays a crucial role in moving the narrative forward. Alternatively, you could say "xxx propels the storyline," which implies that xxx is responsible for advancing the plot. Remember, when expressing your thoughts, it's important to choose words that accurately convey your intended meaning and create a more polished review.