For the function f(x)=square root 3x-2 find the value of the expression below. What value of x makes f(x)=6

answer: x = 12.66666666 or just 12.66 or 12.67

steps to solve:
this is what your equation looks like

square root 3x -2 = 6

remove the square root on the left side of the equation by using the power of 2. Also use the power of 2 on the right side for 6. So 6 to the power of 2 = 36

you're now left with 3x - 2 = 36

plus two on both sides to get 3x = 38

solve for x now. Divide 3 on both sides you get x = 12.6666666

you can check by plugging back 12.666666 into the equation

To find the value of x that makes f(x) equal to 6 in the function f(x) = √(3x - 2), we can set up an equation and solve for x.

Step 1: Start with the given equation: f(x) = 6

Step 2: Replace f(x) with √(3x - 2): √(3x - 2) = 6

Step 3: Square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root: (√(3x - 2))^2 = 6^2

Simplifying both sides: 3x - 2 = 36

Step 4: Add 2 to both sides of the equation to isolate x: 3x - 2 + 2 = 36 + 2

Simplifying: 3x = 38

Step 5: Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x: (3x) / 3 = 38 / 3

Simplifying: x = 38 / 3

Therefore, the value of x that makes f(x) equal to 6 in the given function is x = 38 / 3.