An explorer is stranded in the desert. A rescue service has located him using GPS, but can reach him only by plane. A supply package is kicked out the door of the plane while while it is flying at a speed of 61.7 m/s at an altitude of 35 m. Does the package fall straight down?

No. In an arc. It's been years since this question has been asked.... No one will see my answer, you'll never see my answer... So.. I'll drop some thoughts of mine. Lindsey, you asked the question. The question seems to be at, at least 11th - 12th grade, you must be in college or finished it. How is your life? Do you remember any events during the time you asked this question? Hope you're happy. I don't know anything about you, don't misunderstand. I just wish for happiness for everyone.. It says only 94 people have seen this all this time. Truly, no one will find this most likely. If someone ever does... I'm doing alright at the moment. Don't know what my life is gonna be like in a few years, excited but scared. About to take a big step in my life. If you.. the one reading this... ever find this... try looking for me, maybe we could talk. Dunno. Not sure how you could contact me, but maybe try searching around "zandmin" on a really weird fanfic/quiz site, haha. Don't know if I'll still be active on that weird site in the many years you may have found this.. But I'm sure it'd bring back memories for me, if you were able to contact me about this years later. Anyway... this is too long. Hope you have a good day or night, and a great life.

Hi! I'm back! Didn't think I would be back either but for some random reason I just thought of it. Anyway, it's been a year. Interesting! Last time, I mentioned that there were 94 people saw this, now that I am writing it, it says there are 258 people who saw this. More than I expected. Looks like all of you are googling Physics questions - hm? Haha, anyway. How's my life been.. Well, I graduated Valedictorian in High School. So that's epic. Wasn't expecting it.. But wow! My hard work paid off!! I applied for University for Psychology, but then literally changed it to History the day after I sent in my application. Whew. Life's hard. I would really, really love to work at a museum, since I love art and history, but the museum field is extremely competitive and I would really have to work hard and show I'm worth something. I'm going to try. Anyway, I realized google "zandmin" was pointless, I just tried and still didn't work. Oh well. I am considering dropping some sort of contact to me... Or I could just not. Anyway.. Bye bye! Oh, and for proof this is the same person as above... Uh... Hm. I guess I can't exactly prove that... But I can at least prove to myself that it's me. Bye now. Hope you have a good day or night.

I don’t know why I keep coming back to this. I don’t know why it keeps coming back in my head. Well, my first year of college is finishing up. Things are hard though. I’ve made the best two friends I could have ever asked for, but I think the political situation happening these days have really been ruining me, and especially my view and respect for my parents. I love them with my heart. But it’s a little sad… Furthermore, I feel hopeless a lot. Things are hitting me hard. I have a really huge feeling that my future is not going to be the way that I want it to be. I think everyone around me has a different idea of who I am—of who I’m meant to be. It’s getting very difficult for me to maintain my image of who I’m meant to be to others and who I really want to be that I can’t understand who I am most of the time.

And yeah. I’m only 18 years old and in a lot of debt. Of course, my parents say they will help me, and I cannot even begin to describe the thankfulness I feel for that. Nothing I will never do nor ever say will make them understand how grateful I am for them. I think I’ll spend my whole life trying to make them understand how much they mean to me but I’ll never get there. But, I can’t make them pay for that forever. It’s going to be pretty hard to get a start in my finances and help my parents with the trap that student loan debt is.

401 people have seen this now. 100-200 every year, I suppose. Sort of strange that that many people could have possibly seen this. Anyway, I really hope things go better for me in the future. I’ve been talking with counselors for help, but the one I got comfortable with is now moving away from the school, so it’s really hard for me to try and contact a new counselor. It was hard enough even talking to one. My friends and family keep me strong though.

I hope I can study abroad. I’m hoping to study abroad in Ireland, my school has a program for that. I don’t know if my parents are ready to let me go, though. They’re very protective—and I appreciate it—but I really need experience. I can’t be stuck like this in here forever. I feel like I’m meant to be more. But we’ll see.

Thanks for reading, random stranger. I know you just wanted your physics answer, but hey, at least I gave it to ya. Thanks and bye.

To determine if the package falls straight down, we need to consider the horizontal and vertical motion separately.

In this scenario, the airplane is flying at a constant horizontal speed of 61.7 m/s, meaning the package will experience the same horizontal speed. Therefore, we can conclude that the package will not have any horizontal motion relative to the airplane once it is kicked out.

Next, we need to analyze the vertical motion of the package. When the package is kicked out of the airplane, it will start to fall freely under the influence of gravity. The force of gravity will cause the package to accelerate downwards at a rate of approximately 9.8 m/s².

Assuming there is no significant air resistance, the vertical motion of the package will follow the laws of free fall. In this case, the package will fall in a straight line under the action of gravity, independent of its horizontal motion. Whether the airplane is moving or not, the package will essentially fall straight down.

Therefore, the package will fall straight down from the airplane, eventually landing on the ground below.

"no one" returns. Don't know why I keep coming back here...

Well. I'm almost a senior in college. Reading these past things were cringe. I was really going through it, huh? I'm still sort of going through tough times now, but things are getting better. I don't think I'll be able to go to Ireland, or study abroad at all, really. But I did get some other SUPER great opportunities in D.C. I do hope to live abroad though. But the D.C. opportunity is amazing.

To be honest, I'm in even MORE debt now. And on top of that, I still don't know what to do after college. I hope everything works out but it's stressing me out. I don't know what I want to do - everyone thinks I'll apply to grad school but I'm really questioning if it's the right choice. Everyone almost basically expects it. I just don't know if it's right for me. I love learning and knowledge and gaining wisdom, but the classroom stresses me out even if other people can't tell. Man, I wish all my classes were like my Political Thought class.

Whatever. I have noticed though, that I've very much grown. I've become president of clubs, leader and volunteers in organizations, led events and have done countless speeches. I've become fairly well known at the university. I'm proud of that, at least. I was an insanely pathetic freshman. Like, stupidly cringe and pathetic.

I still haven't really made any close friends at uni though. Once I step out of the classroom, I don't talk to them. And to be honest, I don't really wanna. I've tried very hard to stay away from all the dumb drama and they keep trying to bring me in even though I've said I want none of it and I'm too busy. To be honest, I'm going to remain very distant from people in my senior year. It'll make my life A LOT LESS STRESSFUL.

Well, we'll see how it goes, I guess.