select two works of art from any ancient culture. Using the terminology and concepts you are learning for evaluating art, compare and contrast the two works including materials used, style, meaning, symbolism, and any other aesthetic issues. Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Ancient Art (created between 30,000 BCE- 500 CE)

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Multiple Post. Please see your later post, which I saw first.


ok thanks

i don't understand it at all

Give me two ancient arts

DiVinci, Michealo Angelo, You're a cheater Tanya! You're Busted!

To answer your question, the first step is to research and select two works of art from the Ancient Art period. Let's choose the following two examples:

1. The Great Sphinx of Giza (c. 2558–2532 BCE) - Ancient Egyptian Culture
2. The Parthenon (447–432 BCE) - Ancient Greek Culture

Now, let's compare and contrast these two works of art using the given parameters:

Materials Used:
1. The Great Sphinx: The sculpture was carved from a single limestone block, utilizing the durable and readily available material of the region.
2. The Parthenon: The magnificent temple was mainly constructed using Pentelic marble, a highly valued material renowned for its purity and elegance.

1. The Great Sphinx: It is a monumental sculpture depicting a lion's body with a human head. The style reflects the ancient Egyptian tradition of combining human and animal forms.
2. The Parthenon: The temple adopts the Doric order, characterized by its sturdy and balanced appearance. The style exemplifies the ideal of proportion and harmony prevalent in ancient Greek architecture.

Meaning and Symbolism:
1. The Great Sphinx: In ancient Egyptian culture, the sphinx represented a divine guardian and protector, often associated with the pharaohs and the afterlife. The Great Sphinx's placement in front of the pyramids symbolized its role as a protector of the pharaoh's eternal resting place.
2. The Parthenon: Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the Parthenon symbolized the power and glory of Athens. It was both a religious monument and a statement of Athens' wealth, democracy, and cultural achievements.

Aesthetic Issues:
1. The Great Sphinx: The colossal scale of the statue, combined with its detailed craftsmanship and sense of grandeur, evokes a sense of awe and reverence.
2. The Parthenon: The precise attention to proportions and symmetrical design creates a visually balanced and harmonious structure that exudes elegance and superiority.

Context of the Time Period:
1. The Great Sphinx: Constructed during the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, the sculpture reflects the advanced civilization's focus on monumental architecture, religious beliefs, and the divine status of pharaohs.
2. The Parthenon: Built during the Classical period of Ancient Greece, the Parthenon embodies the ideals of democracy, humanism, and the philosophical pursuits that characterized the zenith of Athenian power and cultural influence.

By comparing and contrasting these two works of art, we can observe the distinct materials, styles, meanings, symbols, and aesthetic considerations, all while placing them within their respective historical contexts. Remember, when evaluating art, it's important to consider not only the visual aspects but also the cultural, social, and historical contexts that shaped its creation.