How do you know that an equation is linear or nonlinear?

To determine whether an equation is linear or nonlinear, you need to examine its general form and the powers of the variables involved.

A linear equation is one that can be written in the form "y = mx + b", where 'm' and 'b' are constants and 'x' and 'y' are variables. In other words, a linear equation is a polynomial of degree 1. It represents a straight line when graphed.

On the other hand, a nonlinear equation cannot be expressed in a similar form and involves higher powers (such as squares, cubes, square roots, etc.) or other mathematical operations. Nonlinear equations may be quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, or any other kind of equation that does not conform to the linear form.

To determine if an equation is linear or nonlinear, follow these steps:

1. Check the power of the variables: If all variables in the equation have a power of 1, then it is linear. If any variable has a power greater than 1, or if logarithms, exponentials, or trigonometric functions are involved, then it is nonlinear.

2. Look for mathematical operations: If the equation involves operations other than regular multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division, such as square roots, exponentiation, or logarithms, it is likely to be nonlinear.

3. Consider graphing the equation: Plotting the equation on a graph can give you a visual representation of its nature. If the graph is a straight line, it is linear. If it forms a curve or any other shape, it is nonlinear.

4. Analyze the coefficients and constants: In linear equations, the coefficients of the variables (represented by 'm' in the form 'y = mx + b') remain constant. In nonlinear equations, the coefficients and constants can vary depending on the power or operation involved.

By following these steps, you can determine whether an equation is linear or nonlinear.