About how much of New Mexico's population today is made up of Native Americans?

5 percent
10 percent
20 percent
45 percent





To determine the approximate percentage of Native Americans in New Mexico's population today, we need to gather some data and perform a simple calculation. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

1. Find the population of New Mexico: As of the most recent estimate in 2021, the population of New Mexico is roughly 2.1 million people.

2. Find the Native American population in New Mexico: According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, approximately 11.9% of New Mexico's population identifies as Native American alone or in combination with other races.

3. Calculate the percentage: Divide the Native American population (in this case, 11.9% of 2.1 million) by the total population and multiply by 100 to find the percentage.

Calculation: (11.9 / 100) * 2,100,000 ≈ 249,900

Based on these calculations, the approximate percentage of Native Americans in New Mexico's population today is around 11.9%.

Therefore, none of the answer options provided match the correct answer.