How would i describe a rule to describe the Translation: -2, -5 ---> -1, -2

I mean write a rule not Describe.

To describe the translation from (-2, -5) to (-1, -2), you can use the following rule:

(x, y) → (x + 1, y + 3)

The rule consists of two parts: the translation in the x-direction and the translation in the y-direction.

To determine the translation in the x-direction, subtract the x-coordinate of the second point from the x-coordinate of the first point. In this case, -1 - (-2) = 1. Therefore, the translation in the x-direction is +1.

To determine the translation in the y-direction, subtract the y-coordinate of the second point from the y-coordinate of the first point. In this case, -2 - (-5) = 3. Therefore, the translation in the y-direction is +3.

Combine the translations in each direction to form the complete rule. In this case, (x, y) → (x + 1, y + 3).