Explain how to compare 8,563 and 8699

1,734 is greater than 175 because it has four digits or places.

explain why 1,734 is greater than 175

3rd grade? Well, one is larger slightly. In the hundreds didit, one has a five, and one a six. So the 8699 is the larger.

how is 1,734 greater than 175?

writing in math explain how to compare 8,563 and 8,699

To compare two numbers, such as 8,563 and 8,699, start by looking at the digits in each number from left to right.

1. First, compare the digits in the thousands place. In 8,563, the digit in the thousands place is 8, while in 8,699, the digit in the thousands place is also 8. Since both digits are the same, move on to the next digit.

2. Next, compare the digits in the hundreds place. In 8,563, the digit in the hundreds place is 5, while in 8,699, the digit in the hundreds place is 6. Since 6 is greater than 5, we can conclude that 8,699 is larger than 8,563.

So, 8,699 is greater than 8,563.