simplify the complex fraction

4/x+5 +2
14/x+5 -2

Once i multiply by the LCD i get


however i can't see what i can do next to simplify can you explain.

well, geez -- get rid of the parentheses and collect terms!

4+2(x+5) / 14-2(x+5)
= 4+2x+10 / 14-2x-10
= 14+2x / 4-2x
= (7+x)/(2-x)

To simplify the complex fraction (4/(x+5) + 2) / (14/(x+5) - 2), you're on the right track by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the LCD, which is (x+5).

The result you obtained, (4+2(x+5))/(14-2(x+5)), can now be simplified further.

First, distribute the 2 to both terms inside the parentheses in the numerator and denominator:


Now simplify within the numerator and denominator:


Next, factor out a 2 from both terms in the numerator:


Then, notice that the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 2. Divide both terms by 2 to cancel out the common factor:


Finally, rearrange the terms in the denominator to have a positive x:


Thus, the simplified form of the complex fraction is (x+7)/(-x+2).